var Wix = Wix || {}; Wix.Activities = (function () { var _w, _dispatcher, _handlers; return { init: function(w, dispatcher, handlers){ _w = w; _dispatcher = dispatcher; _handlers = handlers; }, /** * Enum Activities Type * * @since SDK 1.25.0 */ Type: { /** * @since SDK 1.25.0 * */ CONTACT_CONTACT_FORM:'contact/contact-form', ECOMMERCE_PURCHASE:'e_commerce/purchase', AUTH_STATUS_CHANGE:'auth/status-change', AUTH_REGISTER:'auth/register', AUTH_LOGIN:'auth/login' }, Error: { BAD_DATES: 'BAD_DATES', ACTIVITY_NOT_FOUND: 'ACTIVITY_NOT_FOUND', WRONG_PERMISSIONS: 'WRONG_PERMISSIONS' }, /* * Function postActivity * * Posts an Activity to the Wix cloud * * @since SDK 1.25.0 * @param activity (Object) - an activity descriptor, must follow specific type/schema pattern * Object * type (Wix.Activity.Type) - the activity type * info (Object) - the activity information, specific by activity type * details (Object) - {additionalInfoUrl:"some-url", summary:"what am I..."} * contactUpdate (Object) - optional, in case the user's contact info need to be change * @param onSuccess (Function) - success callback function * @param onFailure (Function) - failure callback function */ postActivity: function(activity, onSuccess, onFailure) { if (Wix.Utils.getViewMode() !== "site") { _w.reportSdkError('Invalid View Mode, Wix.postActivity is available only for site view mode'); return; } var args = { activity:activity }; var onComplete = null; if (onSuccess || onFailure) { onComplete = function(result) { if(result.status && onSuccess) { onSuccess(result.response); } else if (onFailure) { onFailure(result.response); } } } _dispatcher.sendMessage(_w.MessageTypes.POST_ACTIVITY, args, onComplete); }, /** * Function getActivities * * Gets a list of all activities posted within the site. * * @since 1.28.0 * @return (WixDataCursor) cursor */ getActivities: function (onSuccess, onFailure, query) { if (typeof onSuccess !== 'function') { _w.reportSdkError('Missing mandatory argument - onSuccess, must be a function'); return; } if (typeof onFailure !== 'function') { _w.reportSdkError('Missing mandatory argument - onFailure, must be a function'); return; } _w.trackSDKCall("Activities.getActivities"); var args = { query: query }; var onComplete = function onComplete(response) { _handlers.handleCursorResponse(response, onSuccess, onFailure, _w.MessageTypes.GET_ACTIVITIES); }; _dispatcher.sendMessage(_w.MessageTypes.GET_ACTIVITIES, args, onComplete); }, /** * Function getActivityById * * Gets a specific Activity that has been posted within the current site by its id. * * @since * @param id (String) * @param onSuccess (Function) * @param onFailure (Function) * @return (Object) contact */ getActivityById: function (id, onSuccess, onFailure) { if (typeof id !== 'string') { _w.reportSdkError('Missing mandatory argument - id, must be a string'); return; } if (typeof onSuccess !== 'function') { _w.reportSdkError('Missing mandatory argument - onSuccess, must be a function'); return; } if (typeof onFailure !== 'function') { _w.reportSdkError('Missing mandatory argument - onFailure, must be a function'); return; } _w.trackSDKCall("Contacts.getActivityById"); var args = { id: id }; var onComplete = function onComplete(result) { _handlers.handleDataResponse(result, onSuccess, onFailure); }; _dispatcher.sendMessage(_w.MessageTypes.GET_ACTIVITY_BY_ID, args, onComplete); }, /** * Function getUserSessionToken * * Returns a session token which can be used to make AJAX calls to Wix Cloud API * * @since SDK 1.25.0 * @param callback (Function) a callback function that returns the user session token * callback signature: function(data) {} * data signature: "a-very-long-token-123" */ getUserSessionToken:function(callback) { _dispatcher.sendMessage(_w.MessageTypes.GET_USER_SESSION, null, callback); } } }()); var Wix = Wix || {}; Wix.WixDataCursor = (function () { var _callService = function (onSuccess, onFailure, cursorId) { var that = this; var onComplete = function onComplete(response) { if (response.error) { onFailure(response); } else { that._nextCursor =; that._previousCursor =; that._data =; onSuccess(; } }; this.dispatcher.sendMessage(this._serviceMessageType, { cursorId: cursorId }, onComplete); }; function WixDataCursor(dispatcher, serviceMessageType, data) { if (typeof serviceMessageType !== 'string' || typeof dispatcher === 'undefined') { throw new Error('Mandatory parameters are missing.'); } this._serviceMessageType = serviceMessageType; this._data = data || []; this._nextCursor = null; this._previousCursor = null; this.dispatcher = dispatcher; } WixDataCursor.prototype.hasNext = function hasNext() { return !!this._nextCursor; }; WixDataCursor.prototype.hasPrevious = function hasPrevious() { return !!this._previousCursor; }; = function next(onSuccess, onFailure) { if(this.hasNext()){, onSuccess, onFailure, this._nextCursor); } else { onSuccess([]); } }; WixDataCursor.prototype.previous = function previous(onSuccess, onFailure) { if(this.hasPrevious()){, onSuccess, onFailure, this._previousCursor); } else { onSuccess([]); } }; WixDataCursor.prototype.setData = function setData(data) { this._data = data; }; WixDataCursor.prototype.getData = function getData() { return this._data; }; WixDataCursor.prototype.setNextCursor = function setNextCursor(cursor) { this._nextCursor = cursor; }; WixDataCursor.prototype.setPreviousCursor = function setPreviousCursor(cursor) { this._previousCursor = cursor; }; return WixDataCursor; })(); var Wix = Wix || {}; Wix.Dashboard = (function() { return { /** * Function setHeight * * @since SDK 1.24.0 * @param height (Number) new component height */ setHeight:function (height) { Wix.setHeight(height); }, /** Function openMediaDialog * * Opens the Wix media dialog and let's the site owner choose a file from the * Wix collection, or upload a new file instead. * * @since SDK 1.27.0 * @param mediaType (MediaType enum) use one of the MediaType enum values * @param multipleSelection (Boolean) selection mode, single/false or multiple/true item to choose * @param onSuceess (Function) callback function: function(data) {...} where the data schema is: * fileName (String) - media item title * type (String) - e.g. 'Image', 'AudioPlayer' * relativeUri (String) - media item uri (relative to Wix media gallery) use Wix.Utils.Media.get* to get an actual url * width - media type width (for images) * height - media type height (for images) */ openMediaDialog: function(mediaType, multipleSelection, onSuccess, onCancel) { Wix.Settings.openMediaDialog(mediaType, multipleSelection, onSuccess, onCancel); }, /** * Function openModal * * @since SDK 1.27.0 * @param url (String) popup iframe's url * @param width (Number) popup width in pixels * @param height (Number) popup height in pixels * @param onClose (Function) on close callback function */ openModal:function (url, width, height, onClose) { Wix.openModal(url, width, height, onClose); }, /* * Function closeWindow * * Closes the app's modal/popup window. * This function can be used from a popup scope only!! * * @since SDK 1.27.0 * @param (Object) */ closeWindow:function (message) { Wix.closeWindow(message); } } })(); var Wix = Wix || {}; Wix.Contacts = (function () { var _w, _dispatcher, _handlers; return { init: function(w, dispatcher, handlers){ _w = w; _dispatcher = dispatcher; _handlers = handlers; }, /** * Function getContacts * * Gets a list of all contacts that have interacted with a given site. * * @since SDK 1.27.0 * @param onSuccess (Function) an on success callback which gets WixDataCursor as parameter * @param onFailure (Function) an on failure callback * @return (WixDataCursor) cursor */ getContacts: function (onSuccess, onFailure) { _w.trackSDKCall("Contacts.getContacts"); if (typeof onSuccess !== 'function') { _w.reportSdkError('Missing mandatory argument - onSuccess, must be a function'); return; } var onComplete = function onComplete(response) { _handlers.handleCursorResponse(response, onSuccess, onFailure, _w.MessageTypes.GET_CONTACTS); }; _dispatcher.sendMessage(_w.MessageTypes.GET_CONTACTS, undefined, onComplete); }, /** * Function getContactById * * Gets a specific Contact that has interacted with the current site by its id. * * @since SDK 1.27.0 * @param id (String) The id of the Contact to look up * @param onSuccess (Function) A function that receives data about the Contact * @param onFailure (Function) A function called when an error occurs that receives a Wix.Error * @return (Object) contact */ getContactById: function (id, onSuccess, onFailure) { _w.trackSDKCall("Contacts.getContactById"); if (typeof id !== 'string') { _w.reportSdkError('Missing mandatory argument - id, must be a string'); return; } if (typeof onSuccess !== 'function') { _w.reportSdkError('Missing mandatory argument - onSuccess, must be a function'); return; } if (typeof onFailure !== 'function') { _w.reportSdkError('Missing mandatory argument - onFailure, must be a function'); return; } var args = { id: id }; var onComplete = function onComplete(response) { _handlers.handleDataResponse(response, onSuccess, onFailure); }; _dispatcher.sendMessage(_w.MessageTypes.GET_CONTACT_BY_ID, args, onComplete); } } })(); var Wix = Wix || {}; Wix.PubSub = (function () { var _w, _dispatcher; return { init: function(w, dispatcher) { _w = w; _dispatcher = dispatcher; }, /** * Function unsubscribe * * * @since SDK 1.25.0 * @param eventKey (String) a string identifying the event * @param callBackOrId (Number) an id for the callback function used to subscribe to the event */ unsubscribe: function(eventKey, callBackOrId){ _w.removeEventListenerInternal(_w.TPA_PUB_SUB_PREFIX + eventKey, callBackOrId, true); }, /** * Function subscribe * @since SDK 1.25.0 * @param eventKey (String) a string identifying the event * @param callBack (Function) a callback function that gets invoked every time a new event happens * callback signature: function(event) {} * event signature: {name:eventKey, data: eventData, origin: compId} * @param receivePastEvents (Boolean) should past events be received as well * @retrun (Number) an id that can be used to remove the event subscription using unsubscribe(eventKey, id) */ subscribe:function(eventKey, callBack, receivePastEvents){ if (typeof eventKey !== 'string') { _w.reportSdkError('Missing mandatory argument - eventKey, must be a string'); return; } if (typeof callBack !== 'function') { _w.reportSdkError('Missing mandatory argument - callBack, must be a function'); return; } return _w.addEventListenerInternal(_w.TPA_PUB_SUB_PREFIX + eventKey, callBack, true, {receivePastEvents:receivePastEvents}); }, /** * Function publish * @since SDK 1.25.0 * @param eventKey (String) a string identifying the event * @param data (Object) the event custom data * @param isPersistent (Boolean) should the event be saved to be delivered as past event */ publish:function(eventKey, data, isPersistent){ if (typeof eventKey !== 'string') { _w.reportSdkError('Missing mandatory argument - eventKey, must be a string'); return; } _dispatcher.sendMessage(_w.MessageTypes.PUBLISH, { eventKey: _w.TPA_PUB_SUB_PREFIX + eventKey, isPersistent: !!isPersistent || false, eventData: data || {} }); } } })(); var Wix = Wix || {}; Wix.ResponseHandlers = (function () { var _w, _dispatcher; return { init: function(w, dispatcher){ _w = w; _dispatcher = dispatcher; }, getWixError: function (errorCode) { var wixErrorMessage = Wix.Error.WIX_ERROR; switch (errorCode) { case 404: wixErrorMessage = Wix.Error.NOT_FOUND; break; case 400: wixErrorMessage = Wix.Error.BAD_REQUEST; break; case 'INVALID_SCHEMA': wixErrorMessage = Wix.Error.INVALID_SCHEMA; break; } return wixErrorMessage; }, handleDataResponse: function (response, onSuccess, onFailure) { if (response.error) { var wixErrorMessage = this.getWixError(response.error.errorCode); onFailure && onFailure(wixErrorMessage); } else { onSuccess(; } }, handleCursorResponse: function (response, onSuccess, onFailure, messageType) { if (!response.error) { var cursor = new Wix.WixDataCursor(_dispatcher, messageType,; cursor.setNextCursor(; cursor.setPreviousCursor(; onSuccess(cursor); } else { var wixErrorMessage = this.getWixError(response.error.errorCode); onFailure && onFailure(wixErrorMessage); } } } }()); var Wix = Wix || {}; Wix.BaseAPI = (function() { var _w, _dispatcher, _utils; return { init: function(w, dispatcher, utils){ _w = w; _dispatcher = dispatcher; _utils = utils; }, /** * Function getStyleParams * * Returns the application style parameters which are saved in the site * * @deprecated * @since SDK 1.22.0 * @param callback (Function) callback function: function(style) {...} * @return (Object) a map describing style parameters by their type. E.g {colors: {bgColor: {value:'#FFFFFF'} }} */ getStyleParams: function(callback){ _w.reportSdkMsg('Wix.getStyleParams is DEPRECATED use Wix.Styles.getStyleParams'); return Wix.Styles.getStyleParams(callback); }, /** * Function reportHeightChange * * @deprecated use setHeight */ reportHeightChange:function (height) { _w.reportSdkError('Deprecated, use Wix.setHeight instead'); }, /** * Function setHeight * * @since SDK 1.8.0 * @param height (Number) new component height */ setHeight:function (height) { if (typeof height !== "number") { _w.reportSdkError('Mandatory argument - height - should be of type Number'); return; } else if (height < 0) { _w.reportSdkError('height should be a positive integer'); return; } _w.sendMessageInternal2(_w.MessageTypes.HEIGHT_CHANGED, {'height':height}); }, /** * Function pushState * * @since SDK 1.8.0 * @param state (String) new app's state to push into the editor history stack */ pushState:function (state) { if (typeof state !== "string") { _w.reportSdkError('Missing mandatory argument - state'); return; } _w.sendMessageInternal(_w.MessageTypes.APP_STATE_CHANGED, {'state': state}); }, /** * Function getSiteInfo * * @param onSuccess (Function) a callback function that returns the site info * The function signature should be : * function onSuccess(param) {...} */ getSiteInfo:function (onSuccess) { _w.sendMessageInternal2(_w.MessageTypes.SITE_INFO, null, onSuccess); }, /** * Function getSitePages * * Returns the pages which are used in hosting site by name * * @since 1.17.0 * @param callback (Function) a callback function that returns the site pages * callback signature: function(data) {} * data signature: { pages: ['page1', 'page2', 'myPage', ...]} */ getSitePages: function(callback) { _w.sendMessageInternal2(_w.MessageTypes.GET_SITE_PAGES, null, callback); }, /** * Function navigateToPage * * Returns the pages which are used in hosting site by name * * @since 1.17.0 * @param pageId (String) the page name as received by getSitePages * */ navigateToPage: function(pageId) { if (!pageId) { _w.reportSdkError('Missing mandatory argument - pageId'); return; } _w.sendMessageInternal2(_w.MessageTypes.NAVIGATE_TO_PAGE, {pageId: pageId}); }, /** * Function currentMember * * @since SDK 1.6.0 * @param onSuccess (Function) a call back function to receive the function completion * status. The function signature should be : * function onSuccess(param) {...} */ currentMember:function (onSuccess) { if (this.Utils.getViewMode() !== "site") { _w.reportSdkError('Invalid View Mode, this method works only for site view mode'); return; } _w.sendMessageInternal2(_w.MessageTypes.SM_CURRENT_MEMBER, null, onSuccess); }, /** * Function requestLogin * * @since SDK 1.3.0 * @param onSuccess (Function) a callback function to receive the operation completion * status. The function signature should be : * function onSuccess(param) {...} */ requestLogin:function (onSuccess) { _w.sendMessageInternal2(_w.MessageTypes.SM_REQUEST_LOGIN, null, onSuccess); }, /** * Function openPopup * * @param url (String) popup iframe's url * @param width (Number) popup width in pixels * @param height (Number) popup height in pixels * @param position (Object) properties * Object * origin (WindowOrigin enum) popup origin point, reserved values. One of WindowOrigin's values, default is set to WindowOrigin.RELATIVE * placement (WindowPlacement enum) - a predefine set of common placements, default is set to WindowPlacement.CENTER * x (Number) - where popup should be opened horizontally relative to the top left corner of the widget, default is set to zero. * y (Number) - where popup should be opened vertically relative to the top left corner of the widget, defaults is set to zero. * example - {origin: Wix.WindowOrigin.RELATIVE, placement: Wix.WindowPlacement.TOP_CENTER} * @param onClose (Function) on close callback function * @param theme (Theme enum) popup theme see */ openPopup:function (url, width, height, position, onClose, theme) { if (_utils.getViewMode() === "editor") { _w.reportSdkError('Invalid View Mode, editor, only preview and site are supported'); return; } // in case position was omitted and the last argument is the onClose callback if (arguments.length === 4 && typeof arguments[3] === 'function') { position = {}; } position = position || {}; position.origin = position.origin || this.WindowOrigin.DEFAULT; position.placement = position.placement || this.WindowPlacement.CENTER; var args = { url : url, width : width, height: height, position: position, theme: theme || Wix.Theme.DEFAULT }; _dispatcher.sendMessage(_w.MessageTypes.OPEN_POPUP, args, onClose); }, /** * Function openModal * * @since SDK 1.13.0 * @param url (String) popup iframe's url * @param width (Number) popup width in pixels * @param height (Number) popup height in pixels * @param onClose (Function) on close callback function */ openModal:function (url, width, height, onClose) { if (this.Utils.getViewMode() === "editor") { _w.reportSdkError('Invalid View Mode, editor, only preview and site are supported'); return; } var args = { url : url, width : width, height: height }; _w.sendMessageInternal2(_w.MessageTypes.OPEN_MODAL, args, onClose); }, /* * Function closeWindow * * Closes the app's modal/popup window. * This function can be used from a popup scope only!! * * @since SDK 1.13.0 * @param (Object) */ closeWindow:function (message) { var args = { message : message }; _w.sendMessageInternal2(_w.MessageTypes.CLOSE_WINDOW, args); }, /* * Function resizeWindow * * Resizes the widget modal/popup/glued widget window. * * @since SDK 1.18.0 * @param width (Number) popup width in pixels * @param height (Number) popup height in pixels * @param onComplete (Function) on complete callback function */ resizeWindow:function (width, height, onComplete) { var args = { width : width, height: height }; _w.sendMessageInternal2(_w.MessageTypes.RESIZE_WINDOW, args, onComplete); }, /** * Function addEventListener * * @since SDK 1.11.0 * @param eventName (String) the event name, reserved values, see Wix.Events * @param callBack (Function) a callback function which gets invoked when a new * event is sent from the wix site, The function signature should be : * function callBack(param) {...} * @retrun (Number) an id that can be used to remove the event listener using removeEventListener(eventName, id) */ addEventListener: function(eventName, callBack) { return _w.addEventListenerInternal(eventName, callBack, false); }, /** * Function removeEventListener * * @since SDK 1.25.0 * @param eventName (String) the event name, reserved values, see Wix.Events * @param callBackOrId */ removeEventListener: function(eventName, callBackOrId) { _w.removeEventListenerInternal(eventName, callBackOrId, false); }, /* * Function scrollTo * * Scroll (in the Wix site) to an absolute offset - vertical & horizontal * * @since SDK 1.18.0 * @param x (Number) horizontal offset in pixels * @param y (Number) vertical offset in pixels */ scrollTo: function(x, y) { var args = { x : x, y: y }; _w.sendMessageInternal2(_w.MessageTypes.SCROLL_TO, args); }, /* * Function scrollBy * * Scroll (in the Wix site) to a relative offset - vertical & horizontal * * @since SDK 1.18.0 * @param x (Number) horizontal offset in pixels * @param y (Number) vertical offset in pixels */ scrollBy: function(x, y) { var args = { x : x, y: y }; _w.sendMessageInternal2(_w.MessageTypes.SCROLL_BY, args); }, /** * Function getBoundingRect * * Returns the app bounding rect and offset inside the site/viewport * * @param callback (Function) a callback function which passes back the bounding rect and offsets */ getBoundingRectAndOffsets: function(callback) { _w.sendMessageInternal2(_w.MessageTypes.BOUNDING_RECT_AND_OFFSETS, null, callback); } } }()); var Wix = Wix || {}; Wix.Styles = (function() { var _w; return { init: function(w) { _w = w; }, /** * Function getStyleParams * * Returns the application style parameters which are saved in the site * * @since SDK 1.26.0 * @param callback (Function) callback function: function(style) {...} * @return (Object) a map describing style parameters by their type. E.g {colors: {bgColor: {value:'#FFFFFF'} }} */ getStyleParams: function(callback){ return _w.getStyle(callback, 'style'); }, /** * Function setFontParam * * Sets a style font parameter in the Wix site * * @priavte * @since SDK 1.26.0 * @param key (String) a unique key describing a boolean style parameter * @param value (Boolean) */ setFontParam: function(key, value){ _w.setEditorParam('font', key, value); }, /** * Function getEditorFonts * * Returns the list of Wix fonts meta data from the editor * * @priavte * @since SDK 1.26.0 * @param callback (Function) a callback function to pass the Editor's font */ getEditorFonts: function(callback){ return _w.getStyle(callback, 'fontsMeta'); }, /** * Function getSiteTextPresets * * Returns the list of the text presets from the editor * * @priavte * @since SDK 1.26.0 * @param callback (Function) a callback function to pass the text presets */ getSiteTextPresets: function(callback){ return _w.getStyle(callback, 'siteTextPresets'); }, /** * Function getFontsSpriteUrl * * Returns the url of the Wix fonts sprite, used to render the font picker * * @priavte * @since SDK 1.26.0 * @param callback (Function) a callback function to pass the sprite url */ getFontsSpriteUrl: function(callback){ return _w.getStyle(callback, 'fontsSpriteUrl'); }, /** * Function getStyleFontByKey * * Returns style font by a unique key * * @priavte * @since SDK 1.26.0 * @param fontKey (String) font key * @return (Object) */ getStyleFontByKey: function(fontKey){ var font = _w.Styles.mappedFonts && _w.Styles.mappedFonts['style.' + fontKey]; return font; }, /** * Function getStyleFontByReference * * Returns a style font by it's refrence name * * @priavte * @since SDK 1.26.0 * @param fontReference (String) font reference, e.g. 'Title' * @return (Object) */ getStyleFontByReference: function(fontReference) { return _w.Styles.siteTextPresets && _w.Styles.siteTextPresets[fontReference]; }, /** * Function getSiteColors * * Returns the currently active site colors * * @since SDK 1.26.0 * @param callback (Function) callback function: function(colors) {...} */ getSiteColors: function(callback) { return _w.getStyle(callback, 'siteColors'); }, /** * Function getStyleColorByKey * * Returns the css color value of saved style parameter * * @priavte * @since SDK 1.26.0 * @param colorKey (String) a unique key describing a color style parameter * @return (String) css color string. E.g "#FFFFFF" or "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)" */ getStyleColorByKey: function(colorKey){ var color = _w.Styles.mappedColors && _w.Styles.mappedColors['style.' + colorKey]; return color ? color.value : ''; }, /** Function getColorByreference * * Returns the color object of editor style * * @priavte * @since SDK 1.26.0 * @param colorReference (String) a unique key describing a theme color parameter * @return (Object) a map describing a Wix style color. E.g {value: "#FFFFFF", reference: "color-1"} */ getColorByreference: function(colorReference) { var color = _w.Styles.mappedColors && _w.Styles.mappedColors[colorReference]; color = _w.shallowCloneObject(color, ['name']); return color; }, /** * Function setColorParam * * Sets a style color parameter * * @priavte * @since SDK 1.26.0 * @param key (String) a unique key describing a color style parameter * @param value (Object) E.g {value: '#FFFFFF', reference: 'color-1'} */ setColorParam: function(key, value){ if(value.hasOwnProperty('reference') && value.reference){ value.color = this.getColorByreference(value.reference); } _w.setEditorParam('color', key, value); }, /** * Function setNumberParam * * Sets a style number parameter * * @priavte * @since SDK 1.22.0 * @param key (String) a unique key describing a number style parameter * @param value (Number) */ setNumberParam: function(key, value){ _w.setEditorParam('number', key, value); }, /** * Function setBooleanParam * * Sets a style boolean parameter * * @priavte * @since SDK 1.22.0 * @param key (String) a unique key describing a boolean style parameter * @param value (Boolean) */ setBooleanParam: function(key, value){ _w.setEditorParam('boolean', key, value); } } })(); var Wix = Wix || {}; Wix.Settings = (function () { var _w; return { init: function(w) { _w = w; }, /** * Wix Media type used by the openMediaDialog function */ MediaType: { /* Image media type */ IMAGE: 'photos', /* Background media type */ BACKGROUND: 'backgrounds', /* Audio media type */ AUDIO: 'audio', /* Document media type */ DOCUMENT: 'documents', /* FLASH media type */ SWF: 'swf' }, /** Function getStyleParams * * Returns the application style parameters which are saved in the site * * @deprecated * @since SDK 1.22.0 * @param callback (Function) callback function: function(style) {...} * @return (Object) a map describing style parameters by their type. E.g {colors: {bgColor: {value:'#FFFFFF'} }} */ getStyleParams: function(callback){ _w.reportSdkMsg('Wix.Settings.getStyleParams is DEPRECATED use Wix.Styles.getStyleParams'); return Wix.Styles.getStyleParams(callback); }, /** Function getStyleColorByKey * * Returns the css color value of saved style parameter * * @deprecated * @since SDK 1.22.0 * @param colorKey (String) a unique key describing a color style parameter * @return (String) css color string. E.g "#FFFFFF" or "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)" */ getStyleColorByKey: function(colorKey){ _w.reportSdkMsg('Wix.Settings.getStyleColorByKey is DEPRECATED use Wix.Styles.getStyleColorByKey'); return Wix.Styles.getStyleColorByKey(colorKey); }, /** Function getColorByreference * * Returns the color object of editor style * * @deprecated * @since SDK 1.22.0 * @param colorReference (String) a unique key describing a theme color parameter * @return (Object) a map describing a Wix style color. E.g {value: "#FFFFFF", reference: "color-1"} */ getColorByreference: function(colorReference) { _w.reportSdkMsg('Wix.Settings.getColorByreference is DEPRECATED use Wix.Styles.getColorByreference'); return Wix.Styles.getColorByreference(colorReference); }, /** Function setColorParam * * Sets a style color parameter * * @deprecated * @since SDK 1.22.0 * @param key (String) a unique key describing a color style parameter * @param value (Object) E.g {value: '#FFFFFF', reference: 'color-1'} */ setColorParam: function(key, value){ _w.reportSdkMsg('Wix.Settings.setColorParam is DEPRECATED use Wix.Styles.setColorParam'); return Wix.Styles.setColorParam(key, value); }, /** Function setNumberParam * * Sets a style number parameter * * @deprecated * @since SDK 1.22.0 * @param key (String) a unique key describing a number style parameter * @param value (Number) */ setNumberParam: function(key, value){ _w.reportSdkMsg('Wix.Settings.setNumberParam is DEPRECATED use Wix.Styles.setNumberParam'); return Wix.Styles.setNumberParam(key, value); }, /** Function setBooleanParam * * Sets a style boolean parameter * * @deprecated * @since SDK 1.22.0 * @param key (String) a unique key describing a boolean style parameter * @param value (Boolean) */ setBooleanParam: function(key, value){ _w.reportSdkMsg('Wix.Settings.setBooleanParam is DEPRECATED use Wix.Styles.setBooleanParam'); return Wix.Styles.setBooleanParam(key, value); }, /** Function getSiteColors * * Returns the currently active site colors * * @deprecated * @since SDK 1.12.0 * @param callback (Function) callback function: function(colors) {...} */ getSiteColors: function(callback) { _w.reportSdkMsg('Wix.Settings.getSiteColors is DEPRECATED use Wix.Styles.getSiteColors'); return Wix.Styles.getSiteColors(callback); }, /** Function getSiteInfo * * Returns the site information in a callback function * * @since SDK 1.12.0 * @param onSuccess (Function) callback function: function(params) {...} */ getSiteInfo: function(onSuccess) { Wix.getSiteInfo(onSuccess); }, /** Function refreshAppByCompIds * * Refresh all app's components * * @since SDK 1.12.0 * @param queryParams */ refreshApp: function(queryParams) { this.refreshAppByCompIds(null, queryParams); }, /** Function refreshAppByCompIds * * Refresh a specific app's component * * @since SDK 1.12.0 * @param compIds (String) a component id * @param queryParams (String) custom query parameters to pass to the component */ refreshAppByCompIds: function(compIds, queryParams) { _w.sendMessageInternal2(_w.MessageTypes.REFRESH_APP, {'queryParams':queryParams, 'compIds':compIds}); }, /** Function openBillingPage * * @since SDK 1.13.0 * Opens the Wix billing page in a new tab/window */ openBillingPage: function() { _w.sendMessageInternal2(_w.MessageTypes.OPEN_BILLING_PAGE); }, /** Function openMediaDialog * * Opens the Wix media dialog and let's the site owner choose a file from the * Wix collection, or upload a new file instead. * * @since SDK 1.17.0 * @param mediaType (MediaType enum) use one of the MediaType enum values * @param multipleSelection (Boolean) selection mode, single/false or multiple/true item to choose * @param onSuceess (Function) callback function: function(data) {...} where the data schema is: * fileName (String) - media item title * type (String) - e.g. 'Image', 'AudioPlayer' * relativeUri (String) - media item uri (relative to Wix media gallery) use Wix.Utils.Media.get* to get an actual url * width - media type width (for images) * height - media type height (for images) * @param onCancel (Function) callback function called when user cancels */ openMediaDialog: function(mediaType, multipleSelection, onSuccess, onCancel) { if (!onSuccess) { return; } mediaType = mediaType || this.MediaType.IMAGE; multipleSelection = multipleSelection || false; var onCancelCallbackSpecified = typeof onCancel === 'function'; var callback = function(data) { if (data.wasCancelled) { if (onCancelCallbackSpecified) { onCancel.apply(this, arguments); } } else { onSuccess.apply(this, arguments); } }; _w.sendMessageInternal2(_w.MessageTypes.OPEN_MEDIA_DIALOG, { mediaType:mediaType, multiSelection: multipleSelection, callOnCancel: onCancelCallbackSpecified }, callback); }, /** * Function triggerSettingsUpdatedEvent * * Sends a message (json object) to a specific app components or to all the app components * This API is inspired by HTML5 iframe messages - * * @since 1.17.0 * @param message (Object,Optional) a custom json object representing a message * @param compId (String,Optional) component id to sent message or '*' (default) to send the message to all the app's components */ triggerSettingsUpdatedEvent: function(message, compId) { message = message || {}; compId = compId || '*'; _w.sendMessageInternal2(_w.MessageTypes.POST_MESSAGE, {'message':message, 'compId': compId}); }, /** * Function getSitePages * * Returns the pages which are used in hosting site by name * * @since 1.17.0 * @param callback (Function) a callback function that returns the site pages * callback signature: function(data) {} * data signature: { pages: ['page1', 'page2', 'myPage', ...]} */ getSitePages: function(callback) { _w.sendMessageInternal2(_w.MessageTypes.GET_SITE_PAGES, null, callback); }, /** * Set window placement for a widget * * @param compId (String) component id to change placement to * @param placement (Wix.WindowPlacement enum) new placement for the widget window * @param verticalMargin (Number) vertical offset from the placement area * @param horizontalMargin (Number) horizontal offset from the placement area */ setWindowPlacement:function (compId, placement, verticalMargin, horizontalMargin) { if (!compId || !placement) { _w.reportSdkError('Mandatory arguments - compId & placement must be specified'); } if (!Wix.WindowPlacement.hasOwnProperty(placement)) { _w.reportSdkError('Invalid argument - placement value should be set using Wix.WindowPlacement'); } _w.sendMessageInternal2(_w.MessageTypes.SET_WINDOW_PLACEMENT, { 'compId' : compId, placement : placement, verticalMargin : verticalMargin, horizontalMargin : horizontalMargin }); }, /** * Get window placement for a widget * * @param compId (String) component id to change placement to * @param callback (Function) a callback function that returns the component placement * callback signature: function(data) {} */ getWindowPlacement:function (compId, callback) { if (!compId || !callback) { _w.reportSdkError('Mandatory arguments - compId & callback must be specified'); } _w.sendMessageInternal2(_w.MessageTypes.GET_WINDOW_PLACEMENT, {'compId': compId}, callback); } } })(); var Wix = Wix || {}; Wix.Utils = (function() { var _w, _dispatcher; return { init: function(w, dispatcher){ _w = w; _dispatcher = dispatcher; }, /** * Function getCompId * * @since SDK 1.12.0 * @return (String) the widget/section/settings iframe's component id */ getCompId: function(){ _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.getCompId"); return _w.compId; }, /** * Function getOrigCompId * * @since SDK 1.12.0 * @return for valid endpoints returns origCompId parameter value, otherwise returns null */ getOrigCompId: function(){ _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.getOrigCompId"); return _w.getQueryParameter("origCompId"); }, /** * Function getViewMode * * @since SDK 1.12.0 * @return for valid endpoints returns viewMode parameter value, otherwise returns null */ getViewMode: function(){ _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.getViewMode"); return ( === window) ? 'standalone' : _w.currentEditMode; }, /** * Function getWidth * * @since SDK 1.12.0 * @return for valid endpoints returns width parameter value, otherwise returns null */ getWidth: function(){ _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.getWidth"); return _w.getQueryParameter("width"); }, /** * Function getLocale * * @since SDK 1.14.0 * @return for valid endpoints returns locale parameter value, otherwise returns null */ getLocale: function(){ _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.getLocale"); return _w.getQueryParameter("locale"); }, /** * Function getCacheKiller * * @since SDK 1.12.0 * @return for valid endpoints returns cacheKiller parameter value, otherwise returns null */ getCacheKiller: function(){ _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.getCacheKiller"); return _w.getQueryParameter("cacheKiller"); }, /** * Function getTarget * * @since SDK 1.12.0 * @return for valid endpoints returns target parameter value, otherwise returns null */ getTarget: function(){ _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.getTarget"); return _w.getQueryParameter("target"); }, /** * Function getSectionUrl * * @since SDK 1.12.0 * @return for valid endpoints returns section-url parameter value, otherwise returns null */ getSectionUrl: function(){ _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.getSectionUrl"); var sectionUrl = _w.getQueryParameter("section-url"); return (sectionUrl && sectionUrl.replace(/\?$/, "")); }, /** * Function getInstanceId * * @since SDK 1.12.0 * @return for valid endpoints returns instanceId app instance property value, otherwise returns null */ getInstanceId: function(){ _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.getInstanceId"); return _w.getInstanceValue("instanceId"); }, /** Function getSignDate * * @deprecated As of SDK 1.13.0 * @return for valid endpoints returns signDate app instance property value, otherwise returns null */ getSignDate: function(){ _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.getSignDate"); return _w.getInstanceValue("signDate"); }, /** * Function getUid * * @since SDK 1.12.0 * @return for valid endpoints returns uid app instance property value, otherwise returns null */ getUid: function(){ _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.getUid"); return _w.getInstanceValue("uid"); }, /** * Function getPermissions * * @since SDK 1.12.0 * @return for valid endpoints returns permissions app instance property value, otherwise returns null */ getPermissions: function(){ _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.getPermissions"); return _w.getInstanceValue("permissions"); }, /** * Function getIpAndPort * * @deprecated As of SDK 1.13.0 * @return for valid endpoints returns ipAndPort app instance property value, otherwise returns null */ getIpAndPort: function(){ _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.getIpAndPort"); return _w.getInstanceValue("ipAndPort"); }, /** * Function getDemoMode * * @since SDK 1.12.0 * @return for valid endpoints returns demoMode app instance property value, otherwise returns null */ getDemoMode: function(){ _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.getDemoMode"); var mode = _w.getInstanceValue("demoMode"); mode = (mode == null) ? false : mode; return mode; }, /** * Function getDeviceType * * @since SDK 1.20.0 * @return device */ getDeviceType: function() { _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.getDeviceType"); return _w.getQueryParameter("deviceType") || "desktop"; }, /** * Function toWixDate * * Converts a JavaScript Date object into the correct format, ISO 8601, used by Wix APIs when dealing with dates. * It follows the same example provided by Mozilla as a polyfill for non-ECMA 262, 5th edition browsers. * * @since SDK 1.28.0 * @return A String represenst the given date formatted in ISO 8601. */ toWixDate: function(date) { _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.toWixDate"); return date.toISOString(); }, /** * Function navigateToSectionPage * * Navigates to the callers section page in the hosted site * * @since SDK 1.29.0 * @param state (String, optional) new app's state to push into the editor history stack * @return onFailure (Function) this will be called if the hosting site does not include the section app, or if the caller's application does not include a section */ navigateToSection: function(state, onFailure){ _dispatcher.sendMessage(_w.MessageTypes.NAVIGATE_TO_SECTION_PAGE, state, onFailure); }, Media: { /** * Function getImageUrl * * Returns a url for the image in it's original dimensions (width, height) * * @since SDK 1.17.0 * @param relativeUrl (String) static image url provided by the media dialog * @return url (String) */ getImageUrl: function(relativeUrl) { _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.Media.getImageUrl"); return '' + relativeUrl; }, /** * Function getResizedImageUrl * * Resize image and apply sharpening (if available) see details here * * * @since SDK 1.17.0 * @param relativeUrl (String) static image url provided by the media dialog * @param width (Number) desired image width * @param height (Number) desired image height * @param sharpParams (Object, optional) * quality - JPEG quality, leave as is (75) unless image size is important for your app * resizaFilter - resize filter * usm_r - unsharp mask radius * usm_a - unsharp mask amount (precentage) * usm_t - unsharp mask threshold * * @return url (String) */ getResizedImageUrl: function(relativeUrl, width, height, sharpParams) { _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.Media.getResizedImageUrl"); // assign sharp default parameters sharpParams = sharpParams || {}; sharpParams.quality = sharpParams.quality || 75; sharpParams.resizaFilter = sharpParams.resizaFilter || 22; sharpParams.usm_r = sharpParams.usm_r || 0.50; sharpParams.usm_a = sharpParams.usm_a || 1.20; sharpParams.usm_t = sharpParams.usm_t || 0.00; var urlArr = []; var splitUrl = /[.]([^.]+)$/.exec(relativeUrl); var ext = (splitUrl && /[.]([^.]+)$/.exec(relativeUrl)[1]) || ""; // build the image url relativeUrl = '' + relativeUrl; urlArr.push(relativeUrl); urlArr.push("srz"); urlArr.push(width); urlArr.push(height); // sharpening parameters urlArr.push(sharpParams.quality); urlArr.push(sharpParams.resizaFilter); urlArr.push(sharpParams.usm_r); urlArr.push(sharpParams.usm_a); urlArr.push(sharpParams.quality); urlArr.push(ext); // get file extension urlArr.push("srz"); return urlArr.join('_'); }, /** * Function getAudioUrl * * @since SDK 1.17.0 * @param relativeUrl (String) static image url provided by the media dialog * @return url (String) */ getAudioUrl: function(relativeUrl) { _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.Media.getAudioUrl"); return '' + relativeUrl; }, /** * Function getDocumentUrl * * @since SDK 1.17.0 * @param relativeUrl (String) static image url provided by the media dialog * @return url (String) */ getDocumentUrl: function(relativeUrl) { _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.Media.getDocumentUrl"); return '' + relativeUrl; }, /** * Function getSwfUrl * * @since SDK 1.17.0 * @param relativeUrl (String) static image url provided by the media dialog * @return url (String) */ getSwfUrl: function(relativeUrl) { _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.Media.getSwfUrl"); return '' + relativeUrl; } } } })(); (function (container) { var _w = { /** * Internal Constants */ version: "1.29.0", TPA_INTENT:"TPA", EDITOR_PARAM_TYPES : ['color', 'number', 'boolean', 'font'], TPA_PUB_SUB_PREFIX: 'TPA_PUB_SUB_', /** * SDK message types */ MessageTypes:{ REFRESH_APP: "refreshApp", APP_IS_ALIVE: "appIsAlive", APP_STATE_CHANGED: "appStateChanged", CLOSE_WINDOW: "closeWindow", RESIZE_WINDOW: "resizeWindow", SET_WINDOW_PLACEMENT: "setWindowPlacement", GET_WINDOW_PLACEMENT: "getWindowPlacement", OPEN_POPUP: "openPopup", OPEN_MODAL: "openModal", OPEN_MEDIA_DIALOG: "openMediaDialog", OPEN_BILLING_PAGE: "openBillingPage", GET_SITE_PAGES: 'getSitePages', GET_SITE_COLORS: 'getSiteColors', GET_USER_SESSION: 'getUserSession', NAVIGATE_TO_PAGE: 'navigateToPage', POST_MESSAGE: 'postMessage', HEIGHT_CHANGED: "heightChanged", NAVIGATE_TO_STATE: "navigateToState", SM_REQUEST_LOGIN: "smRequestLogin", SM_CURRENT_MEMBER: "smCurrentMember", SITE_INFO: "siteInfo", BOUNDING_RECT_AND_OFFSETS: "boundingRectAndOffsets", SCROLL_TO: "scrollTo", SCROLL_BY: "scrollBy", SET_STYLE_PARAM: "setStyleParam", GET_STYLE_PARAMS: "getStyleParams", REGISTER_EVENT_LISTENER: "registerEventListener", REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER: "removeEventListener", PUBLISH: 'publish', GET_CONTACT_BY_ID: 'getContactById', GET_CONTACTS: 'getContacts', CREATE_CONTACT: "createContact", GET_ACTIVITY_BY_ID: 'getActivityById', GET_ACTIVITIES: 'getActivities', POST_ACTIVITY: "postActivity", NAVIGATE_TO_SECTION_PAGE: "navigateToSectionPage" }, isReady: false, /** * Registered events callbacks */ EventsCallbacks:{}, /** * Resident component id */ compId: null, /** * Messages response callback map */ callbacks: {}, /** * callback id */ callId: 1, /** * Current edit mode state */ currentEditMode: 'site', /** * SDK initialization function */ init:function () { // deploy compatibility script to support modern JS on iOS5,IE8/9 _w.deployPolyFills(); // initialize google analytics _w.gaInit(); // initialize error tracking logic _w.errorTrackingInit(); // get our comp id _w.compId = _w.getQueryParameter("compId") || "[UNKNOWN]"; _w.deviceType = _w.getQueryParameter('deviceType') || 'desktop'; // register post message hub function _w.addPostMessageCallback(_w.receiver.bind(_w)); // initialize edit mode state tracking this.currentEditMode = _w.getQueryParameter("viewMode") || this.currentEditMode; Wix.addEventListener('EDIT_MODE_CHANGE', function(params) { this.currentEditMode = params.editMode; }.bind(this)); // report ready to Wix _w.sendMessageInternal2(_w.MessageTypes.APP_IS_ALIVE, {version: _w.getVersion()}, this.initStyle); }, Styles:{ mappedColors: null, siteColors: null, style: null, siteTextPresets: null, fontsMeta: null, fontsSpriteUrl: null, mappedFonts: null }, setReady: function(){ _w.isReady = true; _w.callReadyQ(); }, addToReadyQ: function(action){ _w.readyQ = _w.readyQ || []; _w.readyQ.push(action); }, callReadyQ: function(){ if(_w.isReady && _w.readyQ){ for(var i = 0;i < _w.readyQ.length; i++){ _w.readyQ[i].call(null); } } }, initStyle: function(params){ var primeColorsReferences = ['white/black','black/white', 'primery-1', 'primery-2', 'primery-3']; function getDevNameForColor(themeEditorName){ index = +themeEditorName.split('_').pop(); if(index <= 5){ return primeColorsReferences[i]; } else if(index <= 10) { return ''; } else { return 'color-' + (index - 10); } } function mapColors(colors, styleColors){ var colorMap = {}; var y = 1; var index; for(var i = 0; i < colors.length; i++){ index = +colors[i].name.split('_').pop(); if(index <= 5){ colors[i].reference = primeColorsReferences[i]; colorMap[primeColorsReferences[i]] = colors[i]; } else if(index <= 10) { //handle colors from 6-10 } else { colors[i].reference = 'color-' + y; colorMap['color-' + y] = colors[i]; y++; } } for(var color in styleColors){ if(styleColors.hasOwnProperty(color)){ colorMap['style.' + color] = styleColors[color]; } } return colorMap; } function mapFonts(fonts){ if(!fonts){return} var mappedFonts = {}; for (var font in fonts){ mappedFonts['style.' + font] = fonts[font]; } return mappedFonts; } function findColor(colors,name){ return colors.filter(function(color){ return name ===; }).pop() || {value:'',name:''}; } function evalTemplate(str, data, getter){ getter = getter || function(data, key){return data[key];}; return str.replace(/\{\{([^}]+)\}\}/gmi, function(fullmatch, key){ var val = fullmatch; var keysInFallbackOrder = key.split(/\s+/); for(var i = 0; i < keysInFallbackOrder.length; i++){ if(keysInFallbackOrder.length === 0){ continue; } try { val = getter(data, keysInFallbackOrder[i]); if(val !== undefined){ return val; } else if(i === (keysInFallbackOrder.length - 1)){ return keysInFallbackOrder[i]; } } catch(e) { try{ console.log('Warning: could not find key "' + keysInFallbackOrder[i] + '" for match "' + fullmatch + '"'); }catch(err){} } } return fullmatch; }); } function findEndOfMediaQueryIndex(startIndex, styleTpl){ var memIndex = 0; var index = startIndex; var currentChar; for (; index < styleTpl.length; index++) { currentChar = styleTpl.charAt(index); if (currentChar === '{') { memIndex += 1; } if (currentChar === '}') { memIndex -= 1; } if (memIndex < 0) { index++; break; } } return index; } function applyWixMediaQuery(cssText, currentMediaType) { var endIndex, id, start, end, mediaQuery, match, panic = 100000, rndId = Math.random(), mediaRegExp = /@media\s*\(\s*wix-device-type\s*:\s*(\w+)\s*\)\s*\{/m, mediaQueries = []; while (true) { if(panic-- < 0){ return mediaQueries;} match = cssText.match(mediaRegExp); if (match) { endIndex = findEndOfMediaQueryIndex(match.index + match[0].length, cssText); id = '/*** wix-media '+rndId+'$'+mediaQueries.length+' ***/'; mediaQuery = cssText.slice(match.index, endIndex); cssText = cssText.replace(mediaQuery, id); start = mediaQuery.indexOf('{'); end = mediaQuery.lastIndexOf('}'); mediaQueries.push({ id: id, mediaQuery : mediaQuery.slice(start + 1, end - 1), mediaType: match[1] }); } else { break; } } mediaQueries.forEach(function(media){ if(media.mediaType === currentMediaType){ cssText = cssText.replace(, + media.mediaQuery); } else { cssText = cssText.replace(, ''); } }); return cssText; } function getValueForTemplate(styles, keyName){ return (styles.mappedColors ? styles.mappedColors[keyName] ? styles.mappedColors[keyName].value : undefined : undefined) || (styles.mappedFonts ? styles.mappedFonts[keyName] ? styles.mappedFonts[keyName].value : undefined : undefined) || (styles.siteTextPresets ? styles.siteTextPresets[keyName] ? styles.siteTextPresets[keyName].value : undefined : undefined); } function updateStyleElement(ownerNode){ if(ownerNode && ownerNode.hasAttribute('wix-style')){ if(!ownerNode._wixTemplate){ if(ownerNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'link'){ throw new Error('"wix-style" is not supported on link elements, use inline style inside the document head'); } else { ownerNode._wixTemplate = ownerNode.textContent; } } ownerNode.textContent = evalTemplate(applyWixMediaQuery(ownerNode._wixTemplate, Wix.Utils.getDeviceType()), _w.Styles, getValueForTemplate); } } function updateCSSStyleSheets(){ var styles = document.getElementsByTagName('style'); //document.styleSheets for(var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++){ updateStyleElement(styles[i]); } } function createInjectedStyleElement(){ var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var text = ".Title{ {{Title}} } .Menu{ {{Menu}} } .Page-title{ {{Page-title}} } .Heading-XL{ {{Heading-XL}} } .Heading-L{ {{Heading-L}} } .Heading-M{ {{Heading-M}} } .Heading-S{ {{Heading-S}} } .Body-L{ {{Body-L}} } .Body-M{ {{Body-M}} } .Body-S{ {{Body-S}} } .Body-XS{ {{Body-XS}} } }"; head.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', '<' + 'sty' + 'le wix-style type="text/css">'+text+''); } function setReferencesForSavedStyles(style){ for(var prop in style.colors){ var color = style.colors[prop]; if(!color.themeName){continue;} var editorIndex = +color.themeName.split('_').pop() if(editorIndex <= 5){ color.themeName = primeColorsReferences[editorIndex-1] } else if(editorIndex <= 10){ } else { color.themeName = 'color-' + (editorIndex - 10); } } return style; } function updateStylesCache(params){ cacheGoogleFontsCssUrl(; handleFonts(params.fonts); _w.Styles.siteColors = params.siteColors || _w.Styles.siteColors; _w.Styles.siteTextPresets = params.siteTextPresets || _w.Styles.siteTextPresets; _w.Styles.fontsMeta = extractFontsMeta(params.fonts) || _w.Styles.fontsMeta; = ? setReferencesForSavedStyles( :; _w.Styles.mappedColors = mapColors(_w.Styles.siteColors,; _w.Styles.mappedFonts = mapFonts(; } function extractFontsMeta(fonts){ if(!fonts){return null;} return fonts.fontsMeta; } function appendLinkToHead(url, id){ var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var link = document.createElement('link'); link.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); link.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet'); link.setAttribute('href', url); if(typeof id === 'string') { = id;} head.appendChild(link); return link; } function updateGoogleFontsLink(url){ var elToRemove; if(!url){return;} if(updateGoogleFontsLink.$linkElement && updateGoogleFontsLink.$linkElement.getAttribute('href') === url){ return; } else if(updateGoogleFontsLink.$linkElement){ elToRemove = updateGoogleFontsLink.$linkElement; setTimeout(function(){ elToRemove.parentNode && elToRemove.parentNode.removeChild(elToRemove); elToRemove = null; },5000); } updateGoogleFontsLink.$linkElement = appendLinkToHead(url, 'wix-google-fonts'); } function cacheGoogleFontsCssUrl(fonts){ return _w.Styles.googleFontsCssUrl = fonts && fonts.googleFontsCssUrl || _w.Styles.googleFontsCssUrl; } Wix.addEventListener(Wix.Events.THEME_CHANGE, function(params) { updateStylesCache(params); _w.callEventListeners({ params:, eventType: Wix.Events.STYLE_PARAMS_CHANGE }, 'internal'); }); Wix.addEventListener(Wix.Events.STYLE_PARAMS_CHANGE, function(params, typeOfCall) { if(typeOfCall !== 'internal') { updateStylesCache({style:params}); } updateGoogleFontsLink(_w.Styles.googleFontsCssUrl); updateCSSStyleSheets(); }); function handleFonts(fonts){ if(!fonts){return;} var links = document.getElementsByTagName('link'); fonts.cssUrls.forEach(function(url){ for(var i = 0; i < links.length; i++){ if(links[i].getAttribute('href') === url){ return; } } appendLinkToHead(url); }); _w.Styles.fontsSpriteUrl = fonts.imageSpriteUrl; } createInjectedStyleElement(); updateStylesCache(params); updateGoogleFontsLink(_w.Styles.googleFontsCssUrl); updateCSSStyleSheets(); _w.setReady(); }, getStyle: function(callback, key) { if(_w.Styles[key]){ callback && callback(_w.Styles[key]); } else { _w.addToReadyQ(function(){ callback && callback(_w.Styles[key]); }); } return _w.Styles[key]; }, setEditorParam: function(type, key, value){ if(_w.EDITOR_PARAM_TYPES.indexOf(type) === -1){ _w.reportSdkError('Invalid editor param type: "' + type + '"'); } if(!key){ _w.reportSdkError('Invalid key name'); } _w.sendMessageInternal2(_w.MessageTypes.SET_STYLE_PARAM, { type: type, key: key, param: value }); }, reportSdkError: function(errorMessage) { var error = new Error('Wix SDK: ' + errorMessage); throw error.stack; }, reportSdkMsg: function(message) { var msg = new Error('Wix SDK: ' + message); window.console && window.console.log && window.console.log(msg.stack.replace('Error:', '')); }, /** * Internal Functions */ sendMessageInternal:function (type, data) { var target = parent.postMessage ? parent : (parent.document.postMessage ? parent.document : undefined); if (target && typeof target != "undefined") { target.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ intent:_w.TPA_INTENT, deviceType: _w.deviceType, compId:_w.compId, type:type, data:data }), "*"); var dataStr = ""; try { dataStr = JSON.stringify(data); } catch(err) {} _w.trackSDKCall(type, dataStr); } }, sendMessageInternal2:function (msgType, params, callback) { if (!msgType) { return; } /* prepare call parameters */ var blob = _w.getBlob(msgType, params, callback); var target = parent.postMessage ? parent : (parent.document.postMessage ? parent.document : undefined); if (target && typeof target != "undefined") { var dataStr = ""; try { dataStr = JSON.stringify(params); } catch(err) { // ... } target.postMessage(JSON.stringify(blob),"*"); _w.trackSDKCall(msgType, dataStr); } }, removeEventListenerInternal: function(eventName, callBackOrId, skipValidation) { if (!skipValidation && (!eventName || !Wix.Events.hasOwnProperty(eventName))) { _w.reportSdkError('Unsupported event name, ' + eventName); return; } var i = -1; var eventCallbacks = _w.EventsCallbacks[eventName]; if(eventCallbacks){ for(var y = 0; y < eventCallbacks.length; y++){ if(eventCallbacks[y].callback === callBackOrId || eventCallbacks[y].id === callBackOrId){ i = y; break; } } if(i !== -1){ eventCallbacks.splice(i, 1); } } if(i >= 0 && eventCallbacks.length === 0){ _w.sendMessageInternal2(_w.MessageTypes.REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER, eventName); } }, addEventListenerInternal: function(eventKey, callBack, skipValidation, params) { if (!skipValidation && (!eventKey || !Wix.Events.hasOwnProperty(eventKey))) { _w.reportSdkError('Unsupported event name, ' + eventKey); return; } var id = this.getCallId(); _w.EventsCallbacks[eventKey] = _w.EventsCallbacks[eventKey] || []; _w.EventsCallbacks[eventKey].push({ callback: callBack, id: id }); //params can be used as override params for the event to add more functionality params = params || {}; params.eventKey = eventKey; _w.sendMessageInternal2(_w.MessageTypes.REGISTER_EVENT_LISTENER, params, _w.handleAddEventListenerResponse.bind(null, callBack)); return id; }, handleAddEventListenerResponse:function(callback, event){ if(event.drain){{ callback(data); }, null); } }, getBlob: function(msgType, params, onResponseCallback) { var blob = { intent: "TPA2", callId: this.getCallId(), type: msgType, compId: _w.compId, deviceType: _w.deviceType, data: params }; if (onResponseCallback) { this.callbacks[blob.callId] = onResponseCallback; } return blob; }, getCallId: function() { return _w.callId++; }, addPostMessageCallback:function (callback) { if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('message', callback, false); } else if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent('onmessage', callback); } }, getQueryParameter:function (parameterName) { if (!_w.queryMap) { _w.queryMap = {}; var queryString = || ''; var queryArray = queryString.split('&'); queryArray.forEach(function(element) { var parts = element.split('='); _w.queryMap[parts[0]] = decodeURIComponent(parts[1]); }); } return _w.queryMap[parameterName] || null; }, decodeBase64: function(str) { return atob(str); 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numerical data about the user event */ gaTrackEvent: function(category, action, label, value) { _gaq.push(['wix._trackEvent', category || "default", action || "default", label || "", value]); }, trackSDKCall: function(callName, label) { _w.gaTrackEvent("SDK", callName, label); }, trackEventCall: function(eventName) { _w.gaTrackEvent("Event", eventName); }, trackError: function(errorMessage) { _w.gaTrackEvent("Error", errorMessage); }, getDecodedInstance: function() { var instanceStr = _w.getQueryParameter("instance"); var encodedInstance = instanceStr.substring(instanceStr.indexOf(".")+1); return JSON.parse(this.decodeBase64(encodedInstance)); }, getInstanceValue: function(key) { var decodedInstance = _w.getDecodedInstance(); if (decodedInstance) { return decodedInstance[key] || null; } return null; }, shallowCloneObject: function(obj, ignoreKeys){ var newObj = newObj || {}; for (var p in obj){ if(obj.hasOwnProperty(p) && ignoreKeys.indexOf(p) === -1){ newObj[p] = obj[p]; } } return newObj; }, receiver:function (event) { if (!event || ! { return; } var data = {}; try { data = JSON.parse(; } catch(e) { return; } switch(data.intent) { case "TPA_RESPONSE": if (data.callId && this.callbacks[data.callId]) { this.callbacks[data.callId](data.res); delete this.callbacks[data.callId]; } break; case "addEventListener": this.callEventListeners(data); break; } }, callEventListeners: function(data, typeOfCall){ _w.trackEventCall(data.eventType); if (this.EventsCallbacks[data.eventType]) { this.EventsCallbacks[data.eventType].forEach(function (callbackHandler) {, data.params, typeOfCall); }); } }, deployPolyFills: function() { this.deployES5Shim(); this.deployBase64PolyFill(); this.deployTextContentPolyFill(); this.deployISODatePolyFill(); }, deployTextContentPolyFill : function () { if (Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Element.prototype, "textContent") && !Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Element.prototype, 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no initial value")}var i=0;var result;if(arguments.length>=2){result=arguments[1]}else{do{if(i in self){result=self[i++];break}if(++i>=length){throw new TypeError("reduce of empty array with no initial value")}}while(true)}for(;i>>0;if(_toString(fun)!="[object Function]"){throw new TypeError(fun+" is not a function")}if(!length&&arguments.length==1){throw new TypeError("reduceRight of empty array with no initial value")}var result,i=length-1;if(arguments.length>=2){result=arguments[1]}else{do{if(i in self){result=self[i--];break}if(--i<0){throw new TypeError("reduceRight of empty array with no initial value")}}while(true)}if(i<0){return result}do{if(i in this){ 0,result,self[i],i,object)}}while(i--);return result}}if(!Array.prototype.indexOf||[0,1].indexOf(1,2)!=-1){Array.prototype.indexOf=function indexOf(sought){var self=splitString&&_toString(this)=="[object String]"?this.split(""):toObject(this),length=self.length>>>0;if(!length){return-1}var 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supportsAccessors;if(supportsAccessors=owns(prototypeOfObject,"__defineGetter__")){defineGetter=call.bind(prototypeOfObject.__defineGetter__);defineSetter=call.bind(prototypeOfObject.__defineSetter__);lookupGetter=call.bind(prototypeOfObject.__lookupGetter__);lookupSetter=call.bind(prototypeOfObject.__lookupSetter__)}if(!Object.getPrototypeOf){Object.getPrototypeOf=function getPrototypeOf(object){return object.__proto__||(object.constructor?object.constructor.prototype:prototypeOfObject)}}function doesGetOwnPropertyDescriptorWork(object){try{object.sentinel=0;return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object,"sentinel").value===0}catch(exception){}}if(Object.defineProperty){var getOwnPropertyDescriptorWorksOnObject=doesGetOwnPropertyDescriptorWork({});var getOwnPropertyDescriptorWorksOnDom=typeof document=="undefined"||doesGetOwnPropertyDescriptorWork(document.createElement("div"));if(!getOwnPropertyDescriptorWorksOnDom||!getOwnPropertyDescriptorWorksOnObject){var 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Type(){}if(prototype===null){object=createEmpty()}else{if(typeof prototype!=="object"&&typeof prototype!=="function"){throw new TypeError("Object prototype may only be an Object or null")}Type.prototype=prototype;object=new Type;object.__proto__=prototype}if(properties!==void 0){Object.defineProperties(object,properties)}return object}}function doesDefinePropertyWork(object){try{Object.defineProperty(object,"sentinel",{});return"sentinel"in object}catch(exception){}}if(Object.defineProperty){var definePropertyWorksOnObject=doesDefinePropertyWork({});var definePropertyWorksOnDom=typeof document=="undefined"||doesDefinePropertyWork(document.createElement("div"));if(!definePropertyWorksOnObject||!definePropertyWorksOnDom){var definePropertyFallback=Object.defineProperty,definePropertiesFallback=Object.defineProperties}}if(!Object.defineProperty||definePropertyFallback){var ERR_NON_OBJECT_DESCRIPTOR="Property description must be an object: ";var ERR_NON_OBJECT_TARGET="Object.defineProperty called on non-object: ";var ERR_ACCESSORS_NOT_SUPPORTED="getters & setters can not be defined "+"on this javascript engine";Object.defineProperty=function defineProperty(object,property,descriptor){if(typeof object!="object"&&typeof object!="function"||object===null){throw new TypeError(ERR_NON_OBJECT_TARGET+object)}if(typeof descriptor!="object"&&typeof descriptor!="function"||descriptor===null){throw new TypeError(ERR_NON_OBJECT_DESCRIPTOR+descriptor)}if(definePropertyFallback){try{return,object,property,descriptor)}catch(exception){}}if(owns(descriptor,"value")){if(supportsAccessors&&(lookupGetter(object,property)||lookupSetter(object,property))){var prototype=object.__proto__;object.__proto__=prototypeOfObject;delete object[property];object[property]=descriptor.value;object.__proto__=prototype}else{object[property]=descriptor.value}}else{if(!supportsAccessors){throw new TypeError(ERR_ACCESSORS_NOT_SUPPORTED)}if(owns(descriptor,"get")){defineGetter(object,property,descriptor.get)}if(owns(descriptor,"set")){defineSetter(object,property,descriptor.set)}}return object}}if(!Object.defineProperties||definePropertiesFallback){Object.defineProperties=function defineProperties(object,properties){if(definePropertiesFallback){try{return,object,properties)}catch(exception){}}for(var property in properties){if(owns(properties,property)&&property!="__proto__"){Object.defineProperty(object,property,properties[property])}}return object}}if(!Object.seal){Object.seal=function seal(object){return object}}if(!Object.freeze){Object.freeze=function freeze(object){return object}}try{Object.freeze(function(){})}catch(exception){Object.freeze=function freeze(freezeObject){return function freeze(object){if(typeof object=="function"){return object}else{return freezeObject(object)}}}(Object.freeze)}if(!Object.preventExtensions){Object.preventExtensions=function preventExtensions(object){return object}}if(!Object.isSealed){Object.isSealed=function isSealed(object){return false}}if(!Object.isFrozen){Object.isFrozen=function isFrozen(object){return false}}if(!Object.isExtensible){Object.isExtensible=function isExtensible(object){if(Object(object)!==object){throw new TypeError}var name="";while(owns(object,name)){name+="?"}object[name]=true;var returnValue=owns(object,name);delete object[name];return returnValue}}}); }, deployISODatePolyFill: function(){ // minified shim from if(!Date.prototype.toISOString){(function(){function e(e){if(e<10){return"0"+e}return e}Date.prototype.toISOString=function(){return this.getUTCFullYear()+"-"+e(this.getUTCMonth()+1)+"-"+e(this.getUTCDate())+"T"+e(this.getUTCHours())+":"+e(this.getUTCMinutes())+":"+e(this.getUTCSeconds())+"."+(this.getUTCMilliseconds()/1e3).toFixed(3).slice(2,5)+"Z"}})()} } }; /** * Public API definition */ var Wix = { // helper function to name the Wix object on runtime /** * @private * @constructor */ constructor: function Wix(){}, /** * Supported events - some are relevant for the editor only */ Events:{ /** * @since SDK 1.11.0 * Signal transition between editor and preview modes */ EDIT_MODE_CHANGE:'EDIT_MODE_CHANGE', /** * @since SDK 1.11.0 * @deprecated * Signal page navigation, relevant for editor, preview & site */ PAGE_NAVIGATION_CHANGE:'PAGE_NAVIGATION_CHANGE', /** * @since SDK 1.13.0 * Signal Site publishing - editor only */ SITE_PUBLISHED: 'SITE_PUBLISHED', /** * @since SDK 1.13.0 * Signal Component deletion in the editor */ COMPONENT_DELETED: 'COMPONENT_DELETED', /** * @since SDK 1.17.0 * Signal internal app message */ SETTINGS_UPDATED: 'SETTINGS_UPDATED', /** * @since SDK 1.18.0 * Signal window placement change */ WINDOW_PLACEMENT_CHANGED: 'WINDOW_PLACEMENT_CHANGED', /** * @private */ ON_MESSAGE_RESPONSE: "ON_MESSAGE_RESPONSE", /** * @since SDK 1.22.0 * */ THEME_CHANGE: 'THEME_CHANGE', /** * @since SDK 1.22.0 * */ STYLE_PARAMS_CHANGE: 'STYLE_PARAMS_CHANGE', /** * @since SDK 1.25.0 * */ SCROLL: 'SCROLL', PAGE_NAVIGATION: 'PAGE_NAVIGATION', PAGE_NAVIGATION_IN: 'PAGE_NAVIGATION_IN', PAGE_NAVIGATION_OUT: 'PAGE_NAVIGATION_OUT', /** * @since SDK 1.29.0 * */ STATE_CHANGED: 'STATE_CHANGED' }, Error: { WIX_ERROR: 'WIX_ERROR', NOT_FOUND: 'NOT_FOUND', BAD_REQUEST: 'BAD_REQUEST', INVALID_SCHEMA: 'INVALID_SCHEMA' }, /** * Enum Window Origin * * Represents a Wix popup window origin. A window can be positioned where it is origin is the viewport (0,0) or * where the origin is another widget (x,y). */ WindowOrigin: { DEFAULT: 'FIXED', FIXED: 'FIXED', RELATIVE: 'RELATIVE', ABSOLUTE: 'ABSOLUTE' }, /** * Enum Window placement * * Represents a predefined values to position a Wix popup windows without the hassle of figuring out the position yourself. * Can be used to position the window relatively (to the calling widget) or absolutely (to the viewport). */ WindowPlacement: { /* corner positions - clock wise */ TOP_LEFT: 'TOP_LEFT', TOP_RIGHT: 'TOP_RIGHT', BOTTOM_RIGHT: 'BOTTOM_RIGHT', BOTTOM_LEFT: 'BOTTOM_LEFT', /* edge center positions - clock wise */ TOP_CENTER: 'TOP_CENTER', CENTER_RIGHT: 'CENTER_RIGHT', BOTTOM_CENTER: 'BOTTOM_CENTER', CENTER_LEFT: 'CENTER_LEFT', CENTER: 'CENTER' }, /** * Enum Theme * * A theme for a popup window */ Theme: { DEFAULT:'DEFAULT', BARE:'BARE' } }; Wix.PostMessageDispatcher = (function(){ return { sendMessage: function(type, args, callback){ _w.sendMessageInternal2(type, args, callback); } } }()); function extend(target, source) { target = target || {}; for (var prop in source) { if (typeof source[prop] === 'object') { target[prop] = extend(target[prop], source[prop]); } else { target[prop] = source[prop]; } } return target; } //initialize activities and deploy Wix.Activities container.Wix.Activities.init(_w, Wix.PostMessageDispatcher, container.Wix.ResponseHandlers); Wix.Activities = container.Wix.Activities; //deploy Wix.WixDataCursor Wix.WixDataCursor = container.Wix.WixDataCursor; //deploy Wix.Dashboard Wix.Dashboard = container.Wix.Dashboard; //initialize contacts and deploy Wix.Contacts container.Wix.Contacts.init(_w, Wix.PostMessageDispatcher, container.Wix.ResponseHandlers); Wix.Contacts = container.Wix.Contacts; //initialize pubSub and deploy Wix.PubSub container.Wix.PubSub.init(_w, Wix.PostMessageDispatcher); Wix.PubSub = container.Wix.PubSub; container.Wix.ResponseHandlers.init(_w, Wix.PostMessageDispatcher); Wix._handlers = container.Wix.ResponseHandlers; //deploy base APIs on Wix extend(Wix, container.Wix.BaseAPI); //initialize Styles APIs container.Wix.Styles.init(_w); Wix.Styles = container.Wix.Styles; //initialize Settings APIs container.Wix.Settings.init(_w); Wix.Settings = container.Wix.Settings; //initialize Utils APIs container.Wix.Utils.init(_w, Wix.PostMessageDispatcher); Wix.Utils = container.Wix.Utils; //initialize base APIs container.Wix.BaseAPI.init(_w, Wix.PostMessageDispatcher, Wix.Utils); Wix.__baseAPI = container.Wix.BaseAPI; //Deploy API on the container (iframe window) container.Wix = Wix; _w.init(); })(this);