(function (container) { var _w = { /** * Constants */ version: "1.16.4", TPA_INTENT:"TPA", firstAddEventListenerCall:true, MessageTypes:{ CHANGE_APP_SIZE:"changeWindowSize", RESIZE_WINDOW:"resizeWindow", REFRESH_APP:"refreshApp", APP_IS_ALIVE:"appIsAlive", APP_STATE_CHANGED:"appStateChanged", CLOSE_POPUP:"closePopup", OPEN_POPUP:"openPopup", OPEN_MODAL:"openModal", OPEN_MEDIA_DIALOG:"openMediaDialog", OPEN_FULLSCREEN:"openFullscreen", OPEN_BILLING_PAGE:"openBillingPage", SM_REQUEST_LOGIN:"pingpong:smRequestLogin", SM_CURRENT_MEMBER:"pingpong:smCurrentMember", SITE_INFO:"pingpong:siteInfo", EVENT_LISTENER_ADDED:"pingpong:addEventListener", // Deprecated HEIGHT_CHANGED:"heightChanged", APP_SETTINGS_CHANGED:"appSettingsChanged", APP_SETTINGS_CLOSE:"appSettingsClose", APP_SHOW_POPUP:"appShowPopup", NAVIGATE_TO_STATE: "navigateToState" }, Origin: { /* TOP LEFT corner is the default */ DEFAULT: 'TOP_LEFT', /* corners enumeration */ TOP_LEFT: 'TOP_LEFT', TOP_RIGHT: 'TOP_RIGHT', BOTTOM_RIGHT: 'BOTTOM_RIGHT', BOTTOM_LEFT: 'BOTTOM_LEFT' }, EventsCallbacks:{}, compId: null, callbacks: {}, callId: 1, /** * Functions */ sendMessageInternal:function (type, data) { var target = parent.postMessage ? parent : (parent.document.postMessage ? parent.document : undefined); if (target && typeof target != "undefined") { target.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ intent:_w.TPA_INTENT, compId:_w.compId, type:type, data:data }), "*"); var dataStr = ""; try { dataStr = JSON.stringify(data); } catch(err) {} _w.trackSDKCall(type, dataStr); } }, sendMessageInternal2:function (msgType, params, callback) { if (!msgType) { // || _w.MessageTypes[msgType]) { return; } /* prepare call parameters */ var blob = _w.getBlob(msgType, params, callback); var target = parent.postMessage ? parent : (parent.document.postMessage ? parent.document : undefined); if (target && typeof target != "undefined") { var dataStr = ""; try { dataStr = JSON.stringify(params); } catch(err) { // ... } target.postMessage(JSON.stringify(blob),"*"); _w.trackSDKCall(msgType, dataStr); } }, getBlob: function(msgType, params, onResponseCallback) { var blob = { intent: "TPA2", callId: this.getCallId(), type: msgType, compId: _w.compId, params: params }; if (onResponseCallback) { this.callbacks[blob.callId] = onResponseCallback; }; return blob; }, getCallId: function() { return _w.callId++; }, /** Function sendPingPongMessage * sends a post message to TPAManager (viewer) with message type and invokes the callback * @param type - a property of MessageTypes * @param callback * @param runMultipleTimes - optional, if set to true the post message callback isn't removed */ sendPingPongMessage:function (type, callback, runMultipleTimes) { this.sendMessageInternal(type); var onMessageCallback = function (evt) { var postMessageData = JSON.parse(evt.data); if (postMessageData.intent == _w.TPA_INTENT) { if (postMessageData.type == type && callback) { callback(postMessageData.data); if (!runMultipleTimes) { this._removePostMessageCallback(onMessageCallback); } } } }.bind(this); this.addPostMessageCallback(onMessageCallback); }, addPostMessageCallback:function (callback) { if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('message', callback, false); } else if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent('onmessage', callback); } }, _removePostMessageCallback:function (callback) { if (window.removeEventListener) { window.removeEventListener('message', callback); } else if (window.detachEvent) { window.detachEvent('onmessage', callback); } }, getQueryParameter:function (parameterName) { var queryString = location.search.substring(1); parameterName += "="; if (queryString.length > 0) { var begin = queryString.indexOf(parameterName); if (begin != -1) { begin += parameterName.length; var end = queryString.indexOf("&", begin); if (end == -1) { end = queryString.length; } return unescape(queryString.substring(begin, end)); } } return null; }, decodeBase64: function(str) { var e={},i,k,v=[],r='',w=String.fromCharCode; var n=[[65,91],[97,123],[48,58],[43,44],[47,48]]; for(z in n){for(i=n[z][0];i=8){r+=w((b>>>(l-=8))%256);} } } return r; }, getVersion: function() { var version = !!_w.version ? _w.version : (window.location.pathname.split('/')[3] || "unknown"); return version; }, gaInit: function() { var _gaq = window._gaq || ( window._gaq = []); _gaq.push(['wix._setAccount', 'UA-2117194-51']); _gaq.push(['wix._trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); }, errorTrackingInit: function() { var event = 'onerror'; var listener = _w.errorHandler; if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener(event.replace(/^on/, ''), listener, false); } else { if (window[event]) { var origListener = window[event]; window[event] = function(event) { origListener(event); listener(event); } } else { window[event] = function(event) { listener(event); } } } }, errorHandler: function(errorMsg, url, lineNumber) { _w.trackError(errorMsg, lineNumber); return false; }, /** Function trackEvent * * Add an event tracking * * @param category (String) name for the group of objects you want to track. * @param action (String) action name, unique in the category scope used to define the type of user interaction. * @param label (String) Optional, provides additional dimensions to the event data * @param value (Number) Optional, provides numerical data about the user event */ gaTrackEvent: function(category, action, label, value) { _gaq.push(['wix._trackEvent', category || "default", action || "default", label || "", value]); }, trackSDKCall: function(callName, label) { _w.gaTrackEvent("SDK", callName, label); }, trackEventCall: function(eventName) { _w.gaTrackEvent("Event", eventName); }, trackError: function(errorMessage) { _w.gaTrackEvent("Error", errorMessage); }, initEventsCallbacks: function(events) { for (var propertyName in events) { if (events.hasOwnProperty(propertyName)) { _w.EventsCallbacks[propertyName] = []; } } }, getDecodedInstance: function() { var instanceStr = _w.getQueryParameter("instance"); var encodedInstance = instanceStr.substring(instanceStr.indexOf(".")+1); return JSON.parse(this.decodeBase64(encodedInstance)); }, getInstanceValue: function(key) { var decodedInstance = _w.getDecodedInstance(); if (decodedInstance) { return decodedInstance[key]; } return null; }, receiver:function (event) { if (!event || !event.data) { return; } var data = {}; try { data = JSON.parse(event.data); } catch(e) { return; }; switch(data.intent) { case "TPA_RESPONSE": if (data.callId && this.callbacks[data.callId]) { this.callbacks[data.callId](data.status, data.res); delete this.callbacks[data.callId]; } break; case "addEventListener": _w.trackEventCall(data.eventType); this.EventsCallbacks[data.eventType].forEach( function (callback) { callback.apply(this, [data.params]); }); break; } } }; /** * Public API definition */ var API = { /** * @private current edit mode state */ _currentEditMode: 'editor', /** * @private DO NOT USE!!! - initialization function */ _init:function () { _w.gaInit(); _w.initEventsCallbacks(this.Events); _w.errorTrackingInit(); _w.compId = _w.getQueryParameter("compId") || "[UNKNOWN]"; this.currentEditMode = _w.getQueryParameter("viewMode"); this.addEventListener(this.Events.EDIT_MODE_CHANGE, function(params) { this.currentEditMode = params.editMode; }.bind(this)); // report ready to Wix _w.sendMessageInternal(_w.MessageTypes.APP_IS_ALIVE, {version: _w.getVersion()}); }, /** * Supported events - some are relevant for the editor only */ Events:{ /** * @since SDK 1.11.0 * Signal transition between editor and preview modes */ EDIT_MODE_CHANGE:'EDIT_MODE_CHANGE', /** * @since SDK 1.11.0 * Signal page navigation, relevant for editor, preview & site */ PAGE_NAVIGATION_CHANGE:'PAGE_NAVIGATION_CHANGE', /** * @since SDK 1.13.0 * Signal Site publishing - editor only */ SITE_PUBLISHED: 'SITE_PUBLISHED', /** * @since SDK 1.13.0 * Signal Component deletion in the editor */ COMPONENT_DELETED: 'COMPONENT_DELETED', /** * @private */ ON_MESSAGE_RESPONSE: "ON_MESSAGE_RESPONSE" }, Origin: _w.Origin, Settings: { /** Function getSiteInfo * * Returns the site information in a callback function * * @since SDK 1.12.0 * @param onSuccess (Function) callback function: function(params) {...} */ getSiteInfo: function(onSuccess) { Wix.getSiteInfo(onSuccess); }, /** Function refreshApp * * Refresh all app's components * * @since SDK 1.12.0 * @param queryParams */ refreshApp: function(queryParams) { this.refreshAppByCompIds(null, queryParams); }, /** Function refreshAppByCompIds * * Refresh a specific app's components * * @since SDK 1.12.0 * @param compIds (String) a component id * @param queryParams (String) custom query parameters to pass to the component */ refreshAppByCompIds: function(compIds, queryParams) { _w.sendMessageInternal(_w.MessageTypes.APP_SETTINGS_CHANGED, {'queryParams':queryParams, 'compIds':compIds}); }, /** Function openBillingPage * * @since SDK 1.13.0 * Opens the Wix billing page in a new tab/window */ openBillingPage: function() { _w.sendMessageInternal(_w.MessageTypes.OPEN_BILLING_PAGE); } }, Utils: { /** * Function getCompId * * @since SDK 1.12.0 * @return (String) the widget/section/settings iframe's component id */ getCompId: function(){ _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.getCompId"); return _w.compId; }, /** * Function getOrigCompId * * @since SDK 1.12.0 * @return for valid endpoints returns origCompId parameter value, otherwise returns null */ getOrigCompId: function(){ _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.getOrigCompId"); return _w.getQueryParameter("origCompId"); }, /** * Function getViewMode * * @since SDK 1.12.0 * @return for valid endpoints returns viewMode parameter value, otherwise returns null */ getViewMode: function(){ _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.getViewMode"); return Wix.currentEditMode; }, /** * Function getWidth * * @since SDK 1.12.0 * @return for valid endpoints returns width parameter value, otherwise returns null */ getWidth: function(){ _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.getWidth"); return _w.getQueryParameter("width"); }, /** * Function getLocale * * @since SDK 1.14.0 * @return for valid endpoints returns locale parameter value, otherwise returns null */ getLocale: function(){ _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.getLocale"); return _w.getQueryParameter("locale"); }, /** * Function getCacheKiller * * @since SDK 1.12.0 * @return for valid endpoints returns cacheKiller parameter value, otherwise returns null */ getCacheKiller: function(){ _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.getCacheKiller"); return _w.getQueryParameter("cacheKiller"); }, /** * Function getTarget * * @since SDK 1.12.0 * @return for valid endpoints returns target parameter value, otherwise returns null */ getTarget: function(){ _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.getTarget"); return _w.getQueryParameter("target"); }, /** * Function getSectionUrl * * @since SDK 1.12.0 * @return for valid endpoints returns section-url parameter value, otherwise returns null */ getSectionUrl: function(){ _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.getSectionUrl"); return _w.getQueryParameter("section-url").slice(0, -1); }, /** * Function getInstanceId * * @since SDK 1.12.0 * @return for valid endpoints returns instanceId app instance property value, otherwise returns null */ getInstanceId: function(){ _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.getInstanceId"); return _w.getInstanceValue("instanceId"); }, /** Function getSignDate * * @deprecated As of SDK 1.13.0 * @return for valid endpoints returns signDate app instance property value, otherwise returns null */ getSignDate: function(){ _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.getSignDate"); return _w.getInstanceValue("signDate"); }, /** * Function getUid * * @since SDK 1.12.0 * @return for valid endpoints returns uid app instance property value, otherwise returns null */ getUid: function(){ _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.getUid"); return _w.getInstanceValue("uid"); }, /** * Function getPermissions * * @since SDK 1.12.0 * @return for valid endpoints returns permissions app instance property value, otherwise returns null */ getPermissions: function(){ _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.getPermissions"); return _w.getInstanceValue("permissions"); }, /** * Function getIpAndPort * * @deprecated As of SDK 1.13.0 * @return for valid endpoints returns ipAndPort app instance property value, otherwise returns null */ getIpAndPort: function(){ _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.getIpAndPort"); return _w.getInstanceValue("ipAndPort"); }, /** * Function getDemoMode * * @since SDK 1.12.0 * @return for valid endpoints returns demoMode app instance property value, otherwise returns null */ getDemoMode: function(){ _w.trackSDKCall("Utils.getDemoMode"); return _w.getInstanceValue("demoMode"); } }, /** * Function reportHeightChange * * @since SDK 1.8.0 * @param height (Number) new component height */ reportHeightChange:function (height) { _w.sendMessageInternal(_w.MessageTypes.HEIGHT_CHANGED, height); }, /** * Function pushState * * @since SDK 1.8.0 * @param state (String) new app's state to push into the editor history stack */ pushState:function (state) { _w.sendMessageInternal(_w.MessageTypes.APP_STATE_CHANGED, state); }, /** * Function refreshApp * * @deprecated SDK 1.12.0 * @param queryParams (Array) component ids for which a refresh is required */ refreshApp:function (queryParams) { this.refreshAppByCompIds(null, queryParams); }, /** * Function refreshAppByCompIds * * @deprecated SDK 1.12.0 * @param compIds (Array) component ids for which a refresh is required * @param queryParams () */ refreshAppByCompIds:function (compIds, queryParams) { _w.sendMessageInternal(_w.MessageTypes.APP_SETTINGS_CHANGED, {'queryParams':queryParams, 'compIds':compIds}); }, /** * Function requestLogin * * @since SDK 1.3.0 * @param onSuccess (Function) a callback function to receive the operation completion * status. The function signature should be : * function onSuccess(param) {...} */ requestLogin:function (onSuccess) { _w.sendPingPongMessage(_w.MessageTypes.SM_REQUEST_LOGIN, onSuccess); }, /** * Function getSiteInfo * * @param onSuccess (Function) a callback function to receive the function completion * status. The function signature should be : * function onSuccess(param) {...} */ getSiteInfo:function (onSuccess) { _w.sendPingPongMessage(_w.MessageTypes.SITE_INFO, onSuccess); }, /** * Function currentMember * * @since SDK 1.6.0 * @param onSuccess (Function) a call back function to receive the function completion * status. The function signature should be : * function onSuccess(param) {...} */ currentMember:function (onSuccess) { _w.sendPingPongMessage(_w.MessageTypes.SM_CURRENT_MEMBER, onSuccess); }, /** * Function openPopup * * @experimental * @param url (String) popup iframe's url * @param x (Number) popup horizontal offset from origin point * @param y (Number) popup vertical offset from origin point * @param width (Number) popup width in pixels * @param height (Number) popup height in pixels * @param origin (String, optional) popup origin point, reserved values, one of Origin's values * example - TOP_LEFT, TOP_RIGHT, etc. */ openPopup:function (url, width, height, position) { position = position || { x:0, y:0, origin:this.Origin.DEFAULT }; var args = { url : url, origin: position.origin, x : position.x, y : position.y, width : width, height: height }; _w.sendMessageInternal(_w.MessageTypes.OPEN_POPUP, args); }, /* * Function closeWindow * * Closes the app's modal/popup window. * This function can be used from a popup scope only!! * * @since SDK 1.13.0 */ closeWindow:function () { _w.sendMessageInternal(_w.MessageTypes.APP_SETTINGS_CLOSE); }, /** * Function openModal * * @since SDK 1.13.0 * @param url (String) popup iframe's url * @param width (Number) popup width in pixels * @param height (Number) popup height in pixels */ openModal:function (url, width, height) { if (this.Utils.getViewMode() != "editor") { var args = { url : url, width : width, height: height }; _w.sendMessageInternal(_w.MessageTypes.OPEN_MODAL, args); } }, /** * Function resizeWindow * * @experimental * @param width (Number) in pixels * @param height (Number) in pixels */ resizeWindow:function (width, height) { _w.sendMessageInternal(_w.MessageTypes.RESIZE_WINDOW, {width:width, height:height}); }, /** * Function addEventListener * * @since SDK 1.11.0 * @param eventName (String) the event name, reserved values, see Events * @param callBack (Function) a callback function which gets invoked when a new * event is sent from the wix site, The function signature should be : * function callBack(param) {...} */ addEventListener: function(eventName, callBack) { var callbacks = _w.EventsCallbacks[eventName] || []; callbacks.push(callBack); if (_w.firstAddEventListenerCall) { _w.addPostMessageCallback(_w.receiver.bind(_w)); _w.firstAddEventListenerCall = false; } } }; /** * Compatabilty script to support bind on iOS5 */ if (!Function.prototype.bind) { Function.prototype.bind = function (oThis) { if (typeof this !== "function") { // closest thing possible to the ECMAScript 5 internal IsCallable function throw new TypeError("Function.prototype.bind - what is trying to be bound is not callable"); } var aArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), fToBind = this, fNOP = function () {}, fBound = function () { return fToBind.apply(this instanceof fNOP && oThis ? this : oThis, aArgs.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments))); }; fNOP.prototype = this.prototype; fBound.prototype = new fNOP(); return fBound; }; } /** * Deploy API on the container (iframe window) */ API._init(); container.Wix = API; }(this));